Success Story : Dame Anita Roddick

Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

               Dame Anita Roddick  
  • In Brief :

Date of Birth : 23 October 1942
Death Date : 10 September 2007
Husband : T. Roddick Gordon, 1970
Children : Justine 1969, 1971 Samantha
Grandchildren : Maiya Hopi in 1994,
                        Atticus-Finch in 1998,  
                        OSHA 1998 Sophia
Education : Maude Allen Secondary
                  Modern School for
                  Girls, Littlehampton;
                  Newton Park College of
                  Higher Education, Bath
  • Summary

        Dame Anita Roddick, DBE (23 October 1942 – 10 September 2007) was a British businesswoman, human rights activist and environmental campaigner, best known as the founder of The Body Shop, a cosmetics company producing and retailing beauty products that shaped ethical consumerism.The company was one of the first to prohibit the use of ingredients tested on animals and one of the first to promote fair trade with third world countries.

Roddick was involved in activism and campaigning for environmental and social issues including involvement with Greenpeace and The Big Issue. In 1990, Roddick founded Children On The Edge, a charitable organization which helps disadvantaged children in Eastern Europe and Asia.

In 2003, Queen Elizabeth II appointed Roddick a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

In 2004, Roddick was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis due to long-standing hepatitis C. After she revealed this to the media in February 2007, she promoted the work of the Hepatitis C Trust, and campaigned to increase awareness of the disease.

  • Family background

       Roddick was born as Anita Lucia Perilli in a bomb shelter in Littlehampton, Sussex, in an Italian immigrant community, one of four siblings. Her family had fled Naples just before the Second World War. Her mother, Gilda, ran a café, and was in the habit of recycling. She went to school at St Amy's Convent, and then attended the Maude Allen Secondary Modern School. Roddick's parents divorced when she was 9 years old, and her mother married her former husband's cousin, Henry, who died of tuberculosis after only a few years of marriage. It was not until Roddick was 19 years old that her mother told her that Henry was the biological father of Anita and her brother, but not Anita's two sisters. Prior to this Roddick thought that her mother's first husband, Donny, was her biological father.
      After leaving school, Roddick trained as a teacher at Bath College of Higher Education (now called Bath Spa University), and travelled widely before her mother introduced her to Gordon Roddick, whom she married in 1970. The couple opened a restaurant, followed by a hotel. By the time they married, they already had one child and were expecting another. Roddick became the mother of two daughters, Justine and Sam, who following in her mother's footsteps, runs her own business the upmarket and ethical sex shop, Coco De Mer. Roddick worked for the United Nations, for which she traveled extensively and met people from a number of different cultures. She founded The Shop in Brighton, in 1976. The first The Body Shop was basic, offering only 15 products at first. The Body Shop's full range now has over 300 products.

  •  Selected awards

*1984 - Veuve Clicquot Business Woman of the Year
*1988 - Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
*1988 - Honorary Doctorate from the University of Sussex
*1991 - Center for World Development Education's World Vision Award, USA
*1993 - Banksia Foundation's Australia Environmental Award
*1993 - Mexican Environmental Achiever Award
*1993 - National Audubon Society Medal, USA
*1994 - Botwinick Prize in Business Ethics, USA
*1994 - University of Michigan's Annual Business Leadership Award, USA
*1995 - Women's Business Development Center's First Annual Woman Power Award, USA
*1996 - Women's Center's Leadership Award, USA
*1996 - The Gleitsman Foundation's Award of Achievement, USA
*1997 - United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Honouree, Eyes on the Environment
*1999 - British Environment & Media Award
*1999 - Chief Wiper-Away of Ogoni Tears, Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People, Nigeria
*2001 - International Peace Prayer Day Organisation's Woman of Peace
*2003 - Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE)
*2004 - Honorary Doctorate of Public Service, The Sage Colleges
*2005 - Shell liveWIRE survey of inspirational role models, third place after 1) Richard Branson  2)
              Friends/family 3) Anita Roddick 4) James Dyson 5) Sahar Hashemi
*2006 - Spirit of the Rainforest Award, Rainforest Action Network

  • Biography

        Anita was born in Littlehampton, a seaside town in England in 1942, the son of Italian immigrant couples. He developed a strong awareness of moral deprivation at a young age after reading a book about the Holocaust at the age of 10 years. He trained to become a teacher but an opportunity to get an education on the kibbutz in Israel gradually turned into a trip around the world. Soon after he returned to England, her mother introduced her to a young man from Scotland named Gordon Roddick. Ties they happen so fast. They opened their first restaurant together - together, then a hotel in Littlehampton. They married in 1970 and has two children.

       Anita began The Body Shop ® on March 26, 1976 alone - the eye to create a livelihood for himself and his daughters, while Gordon toured the United States. He was totally untrained and have no business experience and tricks that he had were from Gordon's advice to sell as much as £ 300 for a week. Anita saw entrepreneurship as a going concern, and believe that it is to maintain a creative mind. Running that first shop taught that business is not about the science of finance but also about trading: buying and selling, and about creating a good product or service so that people - people willing to pay for it. As a testament of his belief that business has, for more than 30 years The Body Shop ® is currently a multi local business with more than 2.200 stores in 55 different markets. And he always claimed that he did not know how he can get to that point!

       Not merely because of economic necessity that inspired the birth of only The Body Shop ®. Travel - the first trip he ever made him rich experience. He never spends time with farmers and fishermen, and body treatments for women from all over the world. Savings made by his mother during the war made him ask - ask about habits - the habit of selling goods at retail. Why throw away the container that can be refilled? And why buy something beyond what you use? He acted like his mother during World War II. The Body Shop ® reuse everything, to recharge them and recycle everything that can be recycled. The Body Shop Foundation in the field of environmental activists formed from the idea - this idea.

       He realized that success is more than just a good idea. But it is a matter of time as well. The Body Shop ® appear when Europe tries to be 'green'. The Body Shop ® is always identifiable by the color green, but that's only color they could find to cover the walls of their first store, which was wet and moldy. He opened the second store within six months, when Gordon returned to England. He came up with the idea to 'manage their own finance' for the store - new store, which triggers the growth of network users patents from The Body Shop ® are spread across the world. This company became publicly owned in 1984. Many awards she won, and as he claims; some he understood, some are not and some he thinks that he does deserve it.

      Anita believes that the business had no intention to do good. That is why the Mission Statement of The Body Shop ® is open to the commitment to refuse, 'To dedicate our business to achieve social and environmental change. "Stores - stores and a range of products used to help mengkomunikasian issues of human rights and the environment.

       In 1993 he met with a delegation of Ogoni Communities of Nigeria. They are seeking justice and improvement against the multinational oil company Shell was taking over their land for oil exploration and production. Working together with other NGO's, they change their campaign became a celebration of international cases. Tragically, the main character of the Ogoni people, Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight Ogoni community of people, was executed in 1995 by the Government of Nigeria. But the campaign continues to run and 19 people who had imprisoned Ogoni people finally liberated. In 1997, after four years without interruption pressure, Shell issued a revised operating agreement on human rights and resistance development. A year later, they launched 'Profit and Principles' advertising campaign declare their recognition of the interest in 'a group of shareholders a greater role in our business'. The Body Shop he wants to get involved in making Shell to think that is something that is important to be companies that think people around.

       In September 2001 Anita combines the power of The Body Shop ® and Greenpeace, and thousands of other organizations and individual customers, in an international campaign to raise awareness of the relationship between the burning of fossil fuels and global pemanasna, and other alternatives are available including the use of renewable fuels such as wind and solar power.

       One of the main keys in which the individual desires of business and can be incorporated is through Community Trade. Pioneer in a fair exchange in insdustri cosmetics, The Body Shop ® is the first cosmetics company to develop relationships with communities in order to obtain materials - natural materials and accessories. Launched more than 20 and Anita look to the future of this program, originally titled "Trade - Not Aid". Starting with a single supplier in India, our Community Trade program currently operates from Brazil to Zambia in over 20 countries and generates significant income for more than 15,000 * people around the world. Anita realized that the exchange relationship with The Body Shop will not make the farmers become rich financially, but can make them defend their way of life and through the aid operation, independence can be achieved.

       One example is Tungteiya Community Trade suppliers in Ghana, where Anita and The Body Shop ® Foundation is providing initial assistance to help provide crusher grinding machine and bean crops to help produce extracts of Shea Butter - for the first time to help women in the Tamale region to obtain income routine, pay school fees, health care, build and repair their homes. 10 * also helped build schools and pay all at once teachers and school equipment, and the region can enjoy the water and toilet facilities safer. In a country where 43% * of the population live below the World Bank poverty line, and farm work is very limited, stories Tungteiya Association Sheâ Butter can be very inspiring.

       It was undeniable that The Body Shop ® and Anita always easy to remember in mind the wider community. Like the inspiration that he provided, that The Body Shop ® has become a global operation denagn thousands of people working towards the same goal and shared values - the same value. That is what gives strength to the campaign and its ads and on a continual menerur separates it from other businesses.

       Anita maintain that in recent years is the year - a very exciting year in his life - he believes the more you age, you will become more extreme. He loves quotes Dorothy Sayers, "A woman who reaches old age can not be stopped by any force." In November 1999, he flew to Seattle to talk about the resistance against the World Trade Organisation and the role of a witness 'Battle of Seattle' or 'Battle of Seattle'.

       In 2000 he published a book entitled otobiogrfi "Business as Unusual" and in 2001 he edited "Take it Personally", sebuat a dull collection of a collection of thoughts to challenge the myths - the myth of globalization and the power of the WTO.

       The excitement and success of the business - this business is making, he decided to start a communications center of the activist who is not too large, Anita Roddick Publications. He wanted to say that they produce "weapons of mass destruction", experimented with many things and the media to celebrate and promote it - the same thing that he cared about: human rights, environment, and creative dissent. Both their books published in 2003: 'Brave Hearts, Rebel Spirits: A Spiritual Activist's Handbook' and 'A Revolution in Kindness'. In 2004 he published 'Troubled Water: Saints, sinners, Truths & Lies about the Global Water Crisis' and 'Numbers'. And in 2005, he was editing, re-develop and publish an autobiography book 'Business as Unusual'.

       He launched his own yard site in 2001 and a forum activists in 2004. He was very pleased with the potential of the Internet to connect people - people with the same thoughts and move them to a mass action.

       End - this final is no doubt that the biggest desire is to campaign - a campaign that she supports - ranging from workers with low wages paid by multinational companies (where she combines forces with the National Labor Committee) and joined a group of human rights activist for the liberation of prisoners American politics known as the Angola Three. These three men, a black political activist in the 1970s, has been almost 35 years in the confines of Angola prison.

       In 2006 The Body Shop ® was purchased by L'Oreal, and as we are told Anita that moment: "For me and Gordon, can not doubt this is a birthday gift to the 30 best ever received by The Body Shop ®.

       L'Oréal has shown leadership and vision to become a proponent of a true supporter of the values - our values. They understand what a rebel The Body Shop ® in the business world and how we have helped change the language of business, accompanied the changes in social action, especially in the field manuisa rights, animal welfare, the environment and the Community Trade. "

       Anita remain in the ranks of the Director. In 2007 he took part in a campaign for The Body Shop ® store and provide consultation to L'Oréal, advised Community Trade.

       In 2007 Anita announced that she was suffering from Hepatitis C, which he got from a blood transfusion that he did in 1971, however he was not diagnosed until the year 2004. He is bound to work with the Hepatitis C Foundation, and became a publisher, to raise awareness about the disease and trying to persuade the government to take action over another. In the style of Anita's personal experience led him to launch a major campaign to remind the community will be important issues and ensure a change in attitude and policy.

       Dame Anita Roddick dies at 10 September 2007, accompanied by her husband Gordon and two daughters. Respect come from all over the world, led by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown "He mengampanyekan issues - green issues for many - years before they become trends and inspiring millions of people to bring a durable product to large markets. As a woman entrepreneur success in this country, he is an inspiration to all women in this country who want to create and build his own company. "

       John Sauven, Executive Director of Greenpeace who has been working with Anita in many campaigns, saying "he is an incredible inspiration to people - people around him .... He became very advanced when it comes to the question of how business can be conducted in a different way ... He's right - right is a true pioneer. "

       Suppliers Community Trade cocoa butter from Ghana, Kuapa Kokoo, said "We thank God He gave an inspiring figure, a mother who loves the construction of the oppressed and have no right, there will always be in our thoughts until whenever. Anita will always be remembered by Kuapa Kokoo and pempimpin families and their communities, to schools that he, along with The Body Shop ®, wake up in the community Bayerebon. Bibit that he has grown into a fruit garnish and success sowed the seed She is generating Fruits of success and enlightenment. "

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